straight edge
Albums scraped2021-12-01T00:24:00.430Z
Last updated2021-12-01T00:54:20.650Z
Released at
147Seconds - Walk Together, Rock Together1985
5Youth of Today - Break Down The Walls1986-08-08
4Gorilla Biscuits - Gorilla Biscuits1988
34Project X - Straight Edge Revenge1988
72Up Front - Spirit1988
15Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today1989-06-24
37Minor Threat - Complete Discography1989
11Earth Crisis - Firestorm1993
42Vegan Reich - Vanguard1995-01-03
23Ten Yard Fight - Hardcore Pride1995-04-15
66Earth Crisis - Destroy The Machines1995-05-25
73Excessive Force - In Your Blood1995
64The Teen Idles - Teen Idles1996-04
38Negative FX - Negative FX & Last Rights1996
97Sudarshana - Sacrificio1997
70カヒミ・カリィ - the best of trattoria years plus more1998-09-30
13Floorpunch - Fast Times At The Jersey Shore1998-11-10
26In My Eyes - The Difference Between1998
77One Cool Guy - From Downtown1998
357Seconds - Good to Go1999-06-22
32Ten Yard Fight - The Only Way1999
33Ten Yard Fight - Only Way1999
71Looking Up - Looking Up2000
83In My Eyes - Nothing to Hide2000
24Champion - Come Out Swinging2001
85XCanaanX - Gehenna Made Flesh2001
68椎名林檎 - 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花2003-02-23
98Minor Threat - First Demo Tape2003-06-17
63Down to Nothing - Save It for the Birds2003-07-29
22Kids Like Us - The 80's Are Dead2003
93Scars of Tomorrow - Design Your Fate2003
94Hold X True - Nothing Can Destroy Me, Nothing Can Stop Me2003
45xDeathstarx - The Triumph2004-07-13
3Champion - Promises Kept2004-09-07
65The Spectacle - Rope or Guillotine2004-09-20
2Guns Up! - All This Is2004
39xLooking Forwardx - What This Means to Me2004
55Children of Gaia - I Pray to Watch You Bleed2004
40Gather - Total Liberation2005-01-25
57Bury Your Dead - You Had Me At Hello2005-05-24
89Judge - What It Meant: The Complete Discography2005-06-21
27Black My Heart - Before the Devil2005-09-27
8Down to Nothing - Splitting Headache2005
25xTyrantx - Welcome To Hell2005
53X Reign of Terror X - There's a last time for everything2005
75Die Young - Survival Instinct2005
67Wish For Wings - From the Past to the Grave2006-01-16
6Casey Jones - The Messenger2006-06-06
20The First Step - What We Know2006-06-27
80Sinking Ships - Disconnecting2006-07-18
28Signs Of Hope - First and Foremost2006-07-25
74カヒミ・カリィ - Nunki2006-10-25
56To Kill - Vultures2006
84Bhimal - Deceived2007-04-24
87Balaclava - Creativity2007-11-08
59Your Demise - The Blood Stays On The Blade2008-05-12
51Take It Back! - Can't Fight Robots2008-06-24
47xBISHOPx - Drugs2008-11-11
44Nueva Etica - 3L1T32008
54Wish For Wings - Afterlife2008
48Kids Like Us - The Game2009-08-18
49Take It Back! - Atrocities2009
78Aspire - Aspire2009
81On - Double Vision2009
96Stick to Your Guns - The Hope Division2010-06-01
31MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS - ゼロコンマ、色とりどりの世界2010-07-30
58ПУРГЕН - Бог Рабов2010-10
62Casey Jones - I Hope We're Not the Last2011-01-11
29Dead In The Dirt - Fear2011-09-16
9Zola Jesus - Conatus2011-09-26
82en mi defensa - Silencios2011
99Noose - The War of All Against All2012-01-08
91Chelsea Wolfe - Daytrotter Session2012-02-14
90Chelsea Wolfe - A Tribute To Rudimentary Peni2012-02-17
100Your Demise - The Golden Age2012-03-26
52Stick to Your Guns - Diamond2012-03-27
92Verse - Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace2012-07-17
69Godspeed You! Black Emperor - ALLELUJAH! DON'T BEND! ASCEND!2012-10-15
88The Mongoloids - Mongo Life2013-04-01
17Zara Larsson - Uncover2013-05-13
76Ghost Cat - Cave Sounds2013-06-11
36Wolf Down - Stray From The Path2013
21Stick to Your Guns - Diamond: Decade Edition2014-03-27
79椎名林檎 - 逆輸入 ~港湾局~2014-05-27
7Halsey - Room 932014-10-27
95Light Your Anchor - Homefires2015-04-03
18Halsey - BADLANDS (Deluxe)2015-08-28
46Halsey - BADLANDS2015-08-28
60Chelsea Wolfe - Live At Roadburn2015
10Zara Larsson - I Would Like2016-11-11
43Zara Larsson - So Good2017-03-17
1Halsey - Now or Never2017-04-04
41Zola Jesus - Okovi2017-09-08
16Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers2017-09-22
12Stick to Your Guns - True View2017-10-13
61Year Of The Knife - Ultimate Disease2017
50Year Of The Knife - First State Aggression2018-05-04
19Zara Larsson - Ain't My Fault2018-10-18
8644.caliberloveletter - a hedgehog's dilemma2020-02-09